Centennial Water Sanitation District, CO
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Water Leaks
Leaks on your internal plumbing system, outdoor sprinkler system and service line are not always obvious and can lead to substantial water bills. Many leaks are simple fixes, while others may require a plumber or a landscape irrigation system professional.
Centennial Water is responsible for repairing leaks on water meters and public water mains. Internal leaks, sprinkler system leaks and leaks on the customer’s service line, running between the curb stop (valve in your front yard near the street) and the building, are the homeowner’s responsibility. This includes all pipes between the curb stop and the structure, irrigation systems and indoor plumbing.
If you receive a high water bill and you believe your usual water usage did not increase during the corresponding billing cycle, then you may have a leak that needs to be addressed.
Water leaks inside and outside the home can occur at any time for a variety of reasons. Centennial Water staff are available to help you with a leak assessment. We can arrange a phone appointment with a technician to help you troubleshoot items that might be causing a high bill. The technician will walk you through locating and observing a few things on the water meter and give you some items to troubleshoot. These observations are cursory in nature and are not a substitute for in-depth inspections that may be needed to locate indoor leaks and/or outdoor irrigation leaks that cannot not be readily observed. Customers are responsible for finding and correcting all water leaks on their property and paying the associated costs.
Download a checklist to help you chase down leaks.